Lady of the Elephant hosted by Nodscouter
This exciting elephant-themed 1v1 tournament is starting on 13th of June. Only elephant civilizations will be allowed in this event and to honour elephants even further, Nodscouter came up with an amazing concept: Elephant Appreciation Points. Based on admin decision the creative use of elephants will be rewarded. Tune in on Nodscouters’ Twitch Channel! https://www.twitch.tv/nodscouter/
Women in Casting
We hosted a discord stage event discussing the use of prounouns in casting, representation of women in the community and female casters. LilT and sunsetfire shared their personal experience. Check out the recording of the live-discussion on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbdjjVQr1S4
Queens’ Charity Clash
Age of Queens is happy to present Queens’ Charity Clash: A fundraising event featuring a series of Ao2:DE showmatches played by women during Women’s History Month. Teams will each represent one of two charities that support women, Girls Who Code or Games and Online Harassment Hotline, in a month-long showdown for top donations! Players will…