Age of Queens 1v1 Second Edition

Not too long after our first tournament we hosted another one: Age of Queens 1v1 second edition. This time the format was Single Elimination and in total 23 players participated. League 2 was for players below 1.1k 1v1 elo. Players with higher elo were competing in League 1. This is an aspect that was always important to me in the community: I want people to be included and allowed to participate in the events regardless of their skill level. I have heard from a lot of players ‘I am not good enough to compete in a tournament.’ and I believe events should always if possible be structured so that players can join in and have fun regardless of their skill level. Grouping the players together by skill level really helps to result in close games that are fun for everybody to play and watch. The total prize pool of the event was 150€. For details about the placing and the brackets check out the ‘Past events’ section of the website.