We want to promote a very special event today. Nodscouter is hosting the wonderful Relay Rumble – A tournament with a special twist: It’s a team game event, but the players will each only be playing one Age. In this format it’s mandatory that the players are switched after each Age up (there is an exception allowing one player to play Dark Age and Feudal Age if desired). Nodscouter is a popular member of the Age of Queens community and we recently added her as a mod on our AoQ clan server. She has already hosted the historic Rivalries Cup and she participated in lots of AoQ events. Here are the links to the more detailed rules and for the sign ups to Relay Rumble: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TciwHWjPV7fBLtSA9Ujwal53kVZKAT_Dnd2SoKQZCQQ/edit