3 Swords Cup Announcement

I am honored to announce a mixed event hosted by Age of Queens in collaboration with Forastero and cadi_master.
Three Swords Cup is a unique mid-elo range mixed tournament for AoQ members and the age community at large, with a new and special format that sees teams of 3 – 4 players participating in 3v3, 2v2, and 1v1 games.

Registration July 1st till July 19th 22 GMT

Group Stage July 22nd till August 18th

  • Week 1: July 22nd to July 28th
  • Week 2: July 29th to August 4th
  • Week 3: August 5th to August 11th
  • Week 4: August 12th to August 18th

Final Stage August 19th till September 1st

  • Quarterfinals August 19th to August 25th
  • Semifinal A August 31st 17 GMT
  • Semifinal B August 31st 19 GMT
  • Final September 1st 18 GMT

Map Pool
This tournament will feature a total of 15 maps divided into 5 different categories (with always only 1 map played per category)

  • Open Land Maps
    • Land Madness
    • Dry Graveyards
    • Haboob
  • Closed Land Maps
    • Regicide Fortress
    • Fortified Clearing
    • Palisade Arena
  • Water Maps
    • Migration
    • Team Islands
    • Northern Isles
  • Hybrid Maps
    • Golden Lakes
    • El Dorado
    • Llanganati
  • Nomadic Maps
    • Bedouins (No Treaty version)
    • Nomad (No Treaty version)
    • Steppe (with Treaty)

You can download the Mod for all the 15 tournament maps here


See our guidebook for more detailed rules.

Anybody can stream the event or cast games. There are no stream delay requirements. Please display the 3 Swords Cup logo on your stream and include “3 Swords Cup” in your stream title.
Most of the games throughout the tournament as well as the main events will be streamed at the AgeofQueens Twitch channel.

Prize Pool
Consider donating directly to the prize pool or becoming a sponsor!
Current minimum prize pool: $200
If you want to contribute to the prize pool, donate here:

AoQ merch
Profits from here go directly to the prize pool: https://www.chuptaworks.com/aoq

You can also find all infos on our website: